Sebuah seo untuk pulau kalimantan oye yang semakin rame

Di ada posting bertema optimasi mesin pencari ( SEO) berjudul wisata seo sadau , yang merupakan sebuah kontes seo yang di adakan oleh para blogger dari kepulauan kalimantan timur , yang mana acara perseoan itu berhadiah santai aja yaitu sekitar 100-500 ribu aja, lumayan buat bayar hosting atau internet .

Memang acara seperti lomba wisata seo sadau itu , pantas semakin di galakan dan mendapat dukungan dari kita semua demi kemajuan dan kepopuleran dunia blogging dan juga sekalian mempromosikan wilayah-wilayah wisata di indonesia, bukan cuma kalimantan aja, karena masih banyak sekali postensi pariwisata yang sangat menarik dari tanah air kita ini, seperti wisata bali misalnya yang sudah tak asing lagi sebagai obyek wisata paling keren dan terkenal di dunia dari indonesia.
READ MORE » Sebuah seo untuk pulau kalimantan oye yang semakin rame

Ada sebuah blog hijau bertema seo dan rukmi

Lagi jalan jalan menemukan sebuah blog dengan layout disan hijau segar yang nampaknya sedang dalam kontes seo aristia wida rukmi yang sedang hangat di kumunitas google blogger indonesia sekarang ini , saya beri backlink aja karena disana ada gambar cewek ayu menawan hati, yang jelasi itu bukan gambar si aristia wida rukmi.

Layout blog yang hijau memang segar dan adem untuk di nikmati tak seperti laytour blog ini yang gelap hitam, tapi saya suka seh..hehe. ada lagiblog yang bertema belajar seo dan menulis yang layoutnya sama persis dengan dengan blog ini .

Yes, semua blog banyak dana semuanya berlomba-lomba berpacu dalam seo untuk memenangkan artikel pada search engine indonesia.
READ MORE » Ada sebuah blog hijau bertema seo dan rukmi

Sebuah kontes akan tetap sebagai sungai seo yang aman

Seperti halnya kontes seo aristia wida rukmi bahwa hari demi hari menelusuri keyword dari halaman kita di search engine akan menjadi hari-hari membosankan jika kita tak berusaha kreatif mengisi konten selingan untuk memaksimalkanserta memahami berbagai gaya mesin pencari seperti google bisa baca sebagai referensi adalah algoritma pada artikel english pada corporate information

Jika memahami semaksimalmungkin tentang algoritma search engine maka kit akan mengalirkan konten situs kita pada sungai seo yang aman, atau kebalikannya akan menjadi banjir badai yang akan menenggelamkan situs kita di mesin pencari manapun.

Kontes seo hanyalah sebuah perlombaan , maka sebuah ide yang bijak jika artikel kontes di pisahkan dari halaman utama situs/blog sehingga tak mengganggu sinkronisasi serta aliran keyword yang lain, sehinggga tercipta seo aman untuk jangka panjang bukan seo cepat yang cuma musiman.
READ MORE » Sebuah kontes akan tetap sebagai sungai seo yang aman

SEO cepat tak jaminan sukses paling jadi dodol

Dalam hal belajar seo untuk para pemula , membuat konten yang orisinil se-informatif mungkin adalah penting sebagai dasar kerangka seo suatu blog/website untuk jangka panjang. apalagi untuk google yang sensitif hal ini perlu , di perhatikan.

Apa yang saya maksud..? skearang kan namual trik dan strategi seo yang bertaburan di belantara tutorial internet dan seo indonesia, yang kebanyakan memberikan artikel tentang cara-cara cepat menerapkan teknik seo, dan umumnya tak jauh dari keyword stuffing atau menganjurkan mencari backlink.

Berikut menurut saya sebagai sikap seorang pemula yang baik dalam belajar seo.

Penggunaan keyword stuffing bagus, tapi perlu di kontrol jangan berlebihan jika tak ingin rangking SERP menjadi dodol alias di singkirkan jauh-jauh dari search engine.

Pencarian backlink yang banyak juga oke, tapi yang pas adalah backlink yang tertaut kategoridari tema konten kita, kalo asal backlink ya jadi dodol juga dan akan menjadi renungan seo seorang pemula sehat di bawah pohon rambutan, biar banyak biasanya tak terlalu ngaruh di resutls search engine.
READ MORE » SEO cepat tak jaminan sukses paling jadi dodol

Sikap para pemula blogger menyongsong 2009

Setelah melewati proses pemilu indonesia 2009 ini terjadi banyak sekali hawa-hawa perubahan secara global di komunitas pengguna internet indonesia, yang paling mencolok adalah berkembang pesatnya komunitas pengguna facebook dan juga yang di banjiri banyak para pemula . sepertinya ini merupakan efek dari kegiatan politik indonesia yang kemarin2 memanfaatkan fasilitas2 online website dan blog untuk keperluan kampanye para caleg, juga presiden.

Para pemula yang sebagian besar baru kenal yang namanya internet ini membanjiri dunia blog dan facebok bak banjir beneran, bisa dilita berbagai artikel serta headline yang berjudul pemula ini di temui di setiap pojok situs internet.
READ MORE » Sikap para pemula blogger menyongsong 2009

Kepulauan sadau dan buaya

Daearah yang bernama sadau ini memang sebuahwilayah yang merupakan salah satu tempat budidaya dan pelestarian buaya, yang terkenal disana adalah penangkaran buaya, yaitu berbentuk peternakan untuk pengembang biakan berbagai jenis buaya , dan biasanya buaya-buaya itu untuk di manfaatkan dagingnya, dan di ambil kulitnya untuk pembuatan berbagai jenis fashion seperti tas kulit buaya, dompet, dan lainnya, dan juga mungkin sebagian dari buaya-buaya itu untuk di lestarikan sebagai obyek wisata.

penangkaran buaya di daerah sadau kaltimSelain buaya sadau merupakan kawasan bahari yang memiliki keindahan alam laut serta flora fauna lautnya yang mempesona dan menarik para pengunjung pariwisata di daerah kalimantan timur tersebut . obyek wisata lainnya di kepulauan sadau ini adalah kesenian daerah serta berbagai kerajinan tradisional dari penduduk setempat
READ MORE » Kepulauan sadau dan buaya

Wisata cewek dan tukang seo kolaborasi yang cukup sulit

Membuat artikel yang meiliki tema wisata seo sadau merupakan gampang2 susah, bayangin harus gimana idenya memadukan antara topik seo dengan pariwisata, masih enak kalo tema si cantik dipadukan dengan seo , karena memang phrase seputar cewek dari dulu pas dan nayambung banget untuk di kolaborasikan dengan artikel perseoan atau yg dikenal dengan istilah seo lendir.

Apalagi untuk para pemula belajar seo akan lebih menguras pikiran guna mengeluarkan ide-ide menulis, belum lagi mengarah serta membuat artikel tersebut menjadi seo friendly dan memiliki rangking serp yang bagus di search engine.

Tapi namanya juga sebuah usaha dari pemula yang ingin maju dan sukses di dunia webmaster dan blogger ,maka sulit atau gampang sudah resiko yang harus di atasi dan di cari solusinya.
READ MORE » Wisata cewek dan tukang seo kolaborasi yang cukup sulit

Si cantik yang mulai mengenal seo

Da sebuah blog yang sederhana simple dan lugu dan berjudul cewek cantik belajar seo yang mana disana banyak memposting artikel tentang berbagai topik seo ,tapi topik2 yang santai saja misalnya membahas tentang belajar seo para pemula dan hal-hal lain yang berhubungan dengan tema belajar seputar perseoan dan ngeblog.

Memang bicara cewek cantik dari mulai kalangan artis sampai kalangan cewek salatiga nungging merupakan hal yang bikin semangat ,termasuk membuat semangat para orang2 yang sedang terlibat pendalaman serta pengembangakn skill seo. dan yang pasti mengurangi rasa kantuk dimalam hari saat menulis artikel.
READ MORE » Si cantik yang mulai mengenal seo

Cewek salatiga nungging di pantai bali

Di sela-sela aktivitas teman-teman yg lagi terlibat anak salatiga belajar seo ,tadi abis lihat di berita infotainment tv tentang hal biasa , yaitu seputar permesuman, di beritakan seorang guru SMU negeri di panggill kepolisian kota salatiga bahwa pihak kepolisian tersebut men-sinyalir sekolah SMU tersebut banyak yang melakukan kegiatan pembuatan video serta foto mesum atau porno.

Dan sebagai bukti memang telah disita sebuah HP yang berisi rekaman kamera sepasang siswa yang sedang beradegan mesum, dalam rekaman tersebut nampak adegan dilakukan di sebuah pantai dan di perkirakan pantai itu merupakan sebuah lokasi di pulau bali, terlihat dalam hp itu ada adegan nungging segala oleh si cewek...gileee , hm...pulau bali emang tempat yang indah untuk melakukan wisata sex ataupun wisata seo sadau, ups sadau itu nama pulau di kalimantan ya...maksudnya wisata santai.
READ MORE » Cewek salatiga nungging di pantai bali

Blog template yang nge-seo banget

Baru aja bikin blogspot khusus untuk jenis seo friendly blogspot template , layout-layout disini saya buat se-seo mungkin dan cocok untuk di pertandinmgkan dalam kontes seo .

Emang dari dulu saya fanatik sama mesin blogger justru karena banyak orang yg mengatakan bahwa blogspot kurang se0 friendly...weleh penasaran gue...makanya gue cari idenya supaya blogspot juga bisa powerfull nggak kalah dengan mesin-mesin web lain...

Isi template di sana adalah ,semua template2 blog sy yg sudah teruji kemampuan seo dan suport pada semua jenis browser.

Oke, yg tertarik silahkan meluncur ke

Tak lupa suport untuk wisata seo sadau dan juga eriuqs spires healthy recreation tours ...rock n roll
READ MORE » Blog template yang nge-seo banget

Healtrh tips knowledge of garlic

Did you know that the garlic has many benefits for our healthy life..follows i've documenting from about garlic.Justify Full

Anyways with this post I also will tweak my eriuqs spires healthy recreation on my

No one is neutral about garlic, just as no one is neutral about skunks. Some people love the look of a skunk's soft, furry body, its quizzical face, its seemingly gentle demeanor. Others bluntly say that a skunk stinks, and they want nothing to do with it.

And then there's garlic. Some cuisines seem to start with garlic, the other ingredients, like tomatoes, herbs, and shellfish, serving as mere afterthoughts. There are gourmets, bon vivants, and, if truth be told, gluttons who all speak of garlic the way wine connoisseurs speak of their favorite vintage and cheese lovers talk of the subtle distinctions in flavor of one variety over another.

The garlic haters, on the other hand, say it smells terrible. They can't stand the way it comes out on the breath, the way the odor seems to ooze through the pores of the eater. They even joke that garlic is an excellent method of birth control; if one lover eats garlic, the other will maintain a distance of at least ten feet. For some people, garlic is even mildly toxic, upsetting their stomachs.

Garlic and alcohol are substances that are not metabolized. They are absorbed through the stomach lining, which is why they leave the telltale odor. And it's why some people are sick to the stomach after ingesting them.

Fortunately, there is an aged garlic product that is detoxified and thus deodorized. Just as deodorized skunks make great house pets, so the more sociable garlic, with slightly altered chemistry and sold under the name Kyolic, can be used by people who can't eat ordinary garlic. In fact, a number of studies indicate that Kyolic may be more effective than raw garlic when it comes to boosting the body's immune system.
Why Is Garlic Good For You?

Why is garlic, in its original form or as the extract of the aged vegetable, good for you? Garlic contains germanium and selenium, which are sulfur-containing antioxidants that boost the immune system. In the study mentioned, conducted by Dr. Tariq Abdullah, Kyolic killed 20 percent more of the tumor cells in laboratory cultures than did raw garlic. And raw garlic is by itself one of the most potent boosters of your natural killer cells.

Kyolic has also been found more beneficial for hypoglycemics -- people with low blood sugar levels -- than raw garlic. The latter lowers the blood sugar level, unfortunately, but Kyolic stabilizes it. The aging process that creates Kyolic produces a supplement whose benefits I find stronger than those of raw garlic.

As enthusiastic as I am about barley grass, if someone were to ask me which single supplement he or she should use, I would recommend Kyolic garlic. It is among the oldest and most versatile of the documented natural remedies. When Hippocrates, the father of diagnostic medicine, was busy noting which treatments worked for the Greek people he treated, he listed garlic. A total of twenty-two ancient Egyptian remedies were found to use garlic, as noted in the Ebers Papyrus dating from the sixteenth century B.C.E.

Garlic was a tool against the plague when it struck Marseilles in the 1770s. Albert Schweitzer found that, when he ran out of pharmaceutical supplies in his African mission, garlic successfully stopped dysentery. Louis Pasteur discovered that garlic had antibacterial properties. The Vikings would not go on long sea voyages without garlic. And, of course, as we know from fiction, garlic is an excellent defense against vampires.
Garlic for the Heart and Cholesterol

Garlic's value for your heart is well known. First, it contains properties for fighting "bad" cholesterol. We know now that high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol is not dangerous, but low-density lipoprotein (LDL) certainly is, because it can be oxidized by dangerous free radicals. Oxidized LDL is an enemy of the white blood cells, which become enlarged as "foam cells," and ultimately are deposited on the arterial walls in the form of plaque. The lumen, the open space of the artery, becomes more and more narrow until it is completely clogged.

HDL works in a more positive fashion. It is thicker than LDL and acts a little like an older sibling assigned to keep the younger one out of trouble. HDL, in a way, takes the LDL by the scruff of the neck and escorts it to the liver, where it is broken down and removed from the body. LDL behaves itself only if it has not been oxidized. And it is the antioxidant quality of garlic that so diminishes the free radical damage to the cholesterol that LDL doesn't need its sibling HDL to hang around. It can be safely removed by itself. The result is that the garlic reduces the start and the progression of arteriosclerosis.

Heart patients, therefore, are especially blessed by garlic, but it is important to check with your doctor before adding garlic to your regimen, because there are pharmaceuticals that match its chemical properties. This is especially the case with popular blood thinners. In fact, Germany licenses garlic supplements as drugs for the treatment of arteriosclerosis.

In the 1920s, the world was introduced to one of the most valuable yet dangerous drugs ever created. This was aspirin, and 25 percent of all people will, at some point, have a serious, perhaps life-threatening reaction to it. Even more important, some children may develop Reye's syndrome from aspirin because their body chemistry is not sufficiently stable. Yet despite the risks, most emergency medical physicians and heart experts say that at the first sign of heart attack, you should take an aspirin and then call 911, because aspirin thins the blood, and this can delay or prevent a heart attack.

Garlic is natural aspirin, not because it contains salicylic acid, which was first identified in willow bark tea as a substance to ease headaches and reduce joint inflammation, but because it can help to prevent red blood cells from clumping together. Other qualities of garlic, so different from aspirin that they present no risk, dissolve clots and lengthen clotting time. This natural thinning of the blood helps every aspect of blood flow within your body. It is the safest source of prevention of heart attacks and strokes. Keeping that aspirin bottle tucked in with emergency medical supplies is still a good idea, but the regular consumption of Kyolic will almost certainly preclude the need for more drastic measures.
Garlic for the Cardiovascular System

We know that garlic provides a benefit for the cardiovascular system. Perhaps you or someone you know has a little difficulty in walking. It doesn't seem serious, but maybe it's reached the point where you just don't want to walk any more than you have to. You find that your legs feel weak, or you have a certain amount of leg pain. And when you stop walking to pause for a rest or sit down, the discomfort goes away.

That discomfort is caused by poor blood circulation in your legs. The technical term for the problem is intermittent claudication. Since it is known that garlic improves circulation to the body's peripheries, studies were conducted with patients experiencing this problem. The regular use of garlic lengthened the distance they could walk without weakness or discomfort. And as a side benefit, their cholesterol levels were lowered, and their blood pressure dropped to a healthy level.

This is what happens when garlic becomes part of the diet and supplement program of those with heart problems. In these cases, we know that individuals who, by all rights of family history, should be experiencing problems with their hearts are not having problems. They are doing better than their ancestors. In longer-term studies, they have outlived everyone simply by adding garlic in one form or another.

Are these individuals genetically unique? Possibly, but it is doubtful. Instead, it is safe to assume that the garlic made the difference. Yet this is not scientific methodology. It is just common sense, which, when it comes to the use of garlic to counter genetics, makes for good medicine.

Where scientific methods can be applied, as with antibacterial factors, garlic has been repeatedly proven safe and effective. Probably every woman and most men have heard of "yeast infection" (a.k.a. yeast syndrome or chronic candidiasis), a term defined mostly through symptoms. Blood tests or stool cultures can reveal the infection. But usually it is determined through a careful, complete physical history that reveals such problems as depression, irritability, vaginal yeast infections, frequent bladder infections, chronic fatigue, lack of energy, reduced sex drive, inability to concentrate, and other distresses. Any one of these is a concern; several in combination generally indicate the presence of chronic candidiasis.

Because yeast infections, along with fungus problems and viral infections, are not usually life-threatening, double-blind studies have been carried out on garlic as a treatment. The findings from these studies have repeatedly shown the value of garlic, in some cases used alone, and in others administered in combination with other natural therapeutics.

Note: Be certain not to self-medicate with garlic in response to the problems mentioned above. With candidiasis, for example, there may be several other concerns. You must eliminate from your diet alcohol, high-sugar foods, and other substances with a high-yeast or mold content. Your digestion must be improved. Detoxification of the liver must be pursued and the immune system strengthened. Then you must coordinate your efforts with your doctor's for continued treatment, because yeast infections can lie dormant and suddenly return if you fail to continue your care after the immediate flare-up.
Garlic & Weight Loss

Garlic is also excellent in the handling of body fat. This does not mean that you can eat garlic instead of getting exercise. You might be able to scare a vampire, but sloth, indolence, and overindulgence have no fear of garlic. Garlic, however, is acknowledged as one of the most effective means of reducing fat in conjunction with a healthy diet and exercise program.

This is not to say that you can eat all you want, using garlic as a magic pill. What you eat and how much you eat determine one source of fat, perhaps the most controllable source of fat in your body. The younger you are, the easier it is to burn the fat you take in through diet. As you get older, the ability to burn fat decreases. You may be as active at forty as you were at twenty, but you will find that a diet that left you with a flat stomach and slim hips in your youth is now forcing you to go to a larger size of clothing. This is natural and not unhealthy, but excess fat is never a good situation.

Note: Recent reports of long-term studies on body weight and health show that excess weight alone is not the danger it was once believed to be. The more excess fat you carry, the greater the stress on your body, but repeated dieting causes even greater stress. An important factor is your volume of exercise. An overweight person whose weight is stable, who is physically active, and who eats a healthy diet, including the appropriate supplements, will be far better off than the "hard body" whose diet and exercise habits are wrong. To be fat is not necessarily to be unhealthy. It is simply the most visible sign of a potentially dangerous condition that may manifest itself if you do not respect all the other factors that insure good health.

The fat we scold for clinging to our bodies as we age comes from two sources. One fat stays there because our bodies fail to break it down and eliminate it. The other fat is made by our bodies, a process known as endogenous lipogenesis. Both may be products of our lifestyle as much as our age and eating habits.

For example, do you drink? I don't mean to excess. I mean a beer after work or some wine with dinner. Nothing to worry about. Nothing excessive.

What you probably don't realize is that the alcohol you consume interferes with the breakdown of dietary fats and stimulates endogenous lipogenesis. In other words, alcohol triggers the body's fat-producing mechanism and inhibits the body's ability to break down and eliminate fat.

Taking garlic is not an excuse to drink. I don't want to see you spending your happy hour sipping margaritas and downing quantities of Kyolic. However, garlic does slow or stop our body's production of fat by breaking down the lipids and enhancing the elimination of various by-products. Garlic also moves lipids from tissue to the bloodstream for eventual removal. Garlic can dramatically reduce the bad consequences of a multitude of dietary "sins." It truly is a good thing.
Garlic for Cancer Prevention

Perhaps one of the most promising findings of research on the use of garlic has come in the field of cancer. The Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York has found that garlic inhibits the growth of cancer cells in the laboratory. And in a study of colon cancer conducted at the M. D. Anderson Hospital in Houston, Dr. Michael Wargovich determined that diallyl sulfide, a major component of garlic, reduced the growth of colon cancer in mice. A related experiment showed that diallyl sulfide may prevent cancer of the esophagus and help in preventing prostate cancer in some individuals.

The experiments have been thorough and the results encouraging. Garlic is gradually proving to be an effective treatment for cancer as well as a preventive, and is now being tried, in conjunction with other treatments, on immune-system disorders like AIDS. Laboratory results are consistently positive, and trials on humans show similar findings, though they are not yet far enough along for garlic to be stipulated as a treatment. However, as I said at the start of this chapter, if I had to take just one supplement for my health, it would be Kyolic garlic.
READ MORE » Healtrh tips knowledge of garlic

Benarkah rani yang jadi penyebabnya

topik masalah rani juliani - yuliani ini makin hari bukan makin ketemu titik terang tapi malah semakin menjadi gosip yang merajaela, seperti kita tahu bahwa gadis ini di isukan sebagai orang yang berhubungan dengan masalah kasus pembunuhan ala mafia yang menyangkut seorang tokoh KPU Antasari.

Yang gw tau sampai sekarang dari pihak kepolisian juga belum memberikan klarifikasi titik terang tentang siapa dalang pembunuhan nasrudin itu, juga tentang apakah benar pemicu maslah itu adalah cinta segitiga antara rani yuliani dengan antasari - almh nasrudin...
kita tunggu aja, semoga kebenaran akan segera terungkap.
READ MORE » Benarkah rani yang jadi penyebabnya

My Eriuqs Spires Healthy Recreation getting well

The healthy se0-c0ntest! Eriuqs Spires Healthy Recreation , today being popular than anything keyphrase in healthy-recreation topics coz this challenge just very less time in se0-contes , so this fact will be make participans agresive and creative with their skills .

The health topics to-days indeed be1ng the trends in the internet world caused from the human healthy factors . I hope sure i will getting better and better too with my healthy life, everytime, every hours and every minutes.
READ MORE » My Eriuqs Spires Healthy Recreation getting well

Konfrensi wisata laut di manado 2009 sangat bermanfaat

Hari ini 11 mei 2009 di langsungkan konfrensi internasional yang membahas masalah wisata laut di manado sulawesi utara , acara ini di hadiri 120 negara dari seluruh dunia. ya, ini sebuah acara yang sangat membanggakan bangsa indonesia, dimanka kita di beri kepercayaan dunia untuk menjadi tuan rumah bagi acara bertaraf internasional ini.

Semoga konfrensi wisata ini akan memberikan dampak positif bagi kemajuan pengelolaan potensi pariwisata di indonesia bagi wisata laut maupun darat. disisi lain sebuah acara wisata seo sadau juga di selenggarakan oleh teman2 dari kal-tim , yang tujuannya juga untuk mempromosikan wilayah pariwisata di indonesia khususnya di kalimantan timur. sukses untuk penyelenggaraan wisata seo sadau indonesia.
READ MORE » Konfrensi wisata laut di manado 2009 sangat bermanfaat

Healing your life to be health

As we know that our life was begins with a first breath and ends with a last breath. Air contains the electricity that charges our vital capacitor with energy. over there the eriuqs spires healthy recreation is a place that good for having energy from the nature.

Breathing, posture, physiology, and function are interrelated in expressing our vital potential energy. Energy is infinite and is universally available to the one with greater order. Higher-ordered breathing transforms and liberates energy. Disordered breathing stifles and imprisons energy that make our body and mind being in healthy forever .
READ MORE » Healing your life to be health

Pariwisata dan wisata sadau

pariwisata dan wisata sadau artike lini di pindah ke depan karena alasan teknis
READ MORE » Pariwisata dan wisata sadau

The unique recreation place Matano Lake

Possibly a person's part in Indonesia not all that knew or heard the name of the Matano Lake, that was a best recreation place the deepest lake in South-East Asia and deepest the 8 in the world (600mtr depth), in fact in South Sulawesi, the Tempe lake (Wajo) and the Towuti lake (Malili) more often was discussed. However, for the Sorowako community generally, and PT International Nickel Indonesia especially, the mining company of biggest nickel the world that the area of his mining covered Sorowako- the Matano lake was the source of energy and the very vital life, so as the dependence on this Matano lake was very high

With the beautiful spires that was surrounded by Verbec mountains, this Matano lake was very appropriate was made the aim of the tour. His coastal sand that was white, with the friendly wave but still enabled to play sport water like swimming, the screen, ski water, the canoe and dove. The brightness of water that reached 23meter really tempted for sport snorkling and diving, moreover fish that lived in this lake were the very typical fish and were not encountered in the other recreation area
READ MORE » The unique recreation place Matano Lake

Wisata Sadau Cara Bijak Berpromosi

Promosi dengan cara mengadakan lomba seoan seperti ini, emang cara yang efektif dan bijakasana , saya pikir jika semua tempat dan aset wisata di indonesia di publikasikan dengan cara ini, maka akan berdampak sangat positif yang akan menguntungkan semua pihak.

Keuntungan yang saya maksud adalah selain baik buat para peserta! blogger wisata seo sadau maupun pihak pengelola wisata, sama-sama menjadi populer...iya kan ?

Semoga sukses untuk saudara2 kita di pulau yang berisi 3 negara itu.
READ MORE » Wisata Sadau Cara Bijak Berpromosi

Wisata hutan yang terabaikan

Sebuah ide seo sadau yang di galang para teman2 dari tarakan kalimantan itu memang sangat mendukung upaya menyebarkan tempat pariwisata indonesia khususnya kalimantan supaya bisa bermanfaat buat semua masyarakat indonesia terutama dari daerah rekreasi wisata seo sadau di sana.

Kita tahu bahwa hutan di kalimantan sangat masih kaya dengan berbagai flora dan fauna langka yang merupakan sesuatu yang menakjubkan dan membanggakan buat kita bangsa indonesia. dan kita juga tahu bahwa Pulau Kalimantan sebagai pulau terbesar di Indonesia memiliki kekayaan hutan yang melimpah terutama hasil hutan.Kekayaan hutan tersebut di mata pihak-pihak yang tidak bertanggung jawab merupakan suatu kesempatan untuk mengkeruk keuntung bisnis sebesar-besarnya dengan menebang pohon-pohon besar yang berasal dari pulau Kalimantan, dimana kayu-kayu dari pohon Kalimantan memiliki kualitas yang bagus berdasarkan standart selera wisata dunia
READ MORE » Wisata hutan yang terabaikan

Wisata kalimantan yang selalu sadau banget

Taman wisata mana yang paling sadau untuk di kunjungi...hayooo.. apalagi kalau bukan yang letaknya di tarakan itu. disitu emang banyak sekali obyek pariisata yang sangat menarik untuk di kunjungi dan sudah terkenal samapi ke luar negeri sana.
Di sana merupakan daerah pulau kecil yang menawan di pinggir pantai kalimantan timur , pokonya sadau banget deh, ada pantai rekreasi, ada wisata hutan beserta pemandangan orang utan kalimantan yang terkenal itu, juga berbagai obyek wisata hasil karya putra-putri daerah setempat, kalimantan emang masih merupakan daerah yang hijau dan penuh pohon-pohon, udaranya masih alami segar dan sehat , dan sekarang sudah di populerkan oleh para rekan blog-ger! dari sana dengan nama wisata seo sadau. silahkan kunjungi taman wisata indah tersebut , pokonya endah bgt deh.
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